User information for "bobthechicken314"

Maps 5 (Show all)
Rated Maps 0 (Show all)
Favorites 0 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 11


If I've ever put on 2 or 3 comments, It's not because I'm stupid. It just means I've tried your level, and want to add a comment, but forget to get out of the game, which results in an insanely slow computer, causing me to become impatient and reload the webpage. The result? 5 comments saying the same exact thing.

Recent Maps

Thumbnail of the map '6X' Thumbnail of the map 'Disappear!' Thumbnail of the map 'a simple challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Run like heck.' Thumbnail of the map 'N'
6X Disappear! a simple challenge Run like heck. N