Help Level Revamped

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Author ChidoriXhacker
Tags 007 1337 1st 9400 action author:chidorixhacker enchanting funkadelic funky n-tacullar playable unrated wierd zero
Created 2007-08-21
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The Help menu's level, revamped by me, with a twist; more pay area!!!!!!!! yay
I think I did a Pretty good job on this one!
Probably my 1st r 2nd best! yay me...
If I missed anything, please tell me...

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oops, my bad :)

good eye
Didn't expect that people would figure out what door to open :)
thats what I get for not paying attention :)
Problem? :one-way glitches: you don't have to pick a path when you can take both...
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