Roundabout 7

Thumbnail of the map 'Roundabout 7'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guiseppi
Tags author:guiseppi flowy fun psychadelic race rated shizzle
Created 2007-08-27
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Here's the 7th map in the Roundabout series. It's a bit different from the rest of the series, but I'm happy with the gold placement and the flow. I hope you like this map as much as I enjoyed making it. I also hope to see some good all gold demos. Comments are appreciated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Billy Taint McDougalfarmer' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Watching MythBusters Right Now' Thumbnail of the map 'Ejaculate On Monkey Anus, You Crayon' Thumbnail of the map 'The Fork of Assland' Thumbnail of the map 'Thing Shape' Thumbnail of the map 'This Map Isn't Fun'
Billy Taint McDougalfarmer I'm Watching MythBusters Right Now Ejaculate On Monkey Anus, You Crayon The Fork of Assland Thing Shape This Map Isn't Fun


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Skyline was joking (unless you were too), and it is possible to get not-all-gold.

See also seven_two's 38 frame demo.
Demo Data
Demo Data


i went so fast that i didnt win!
Demo Data

im confused...

skyline356, there are no enemies and it's impossible NOT to get all gold! i dont get how it's so tough.

im confused...

skyline356, there are no enemies and it's impossible NOT to get all gold! i dont get how it's so tough.

I completed this one. Much faster than Skyline.
Demo Data

Demo Data


love it skyline!!!!! heres my demo... 69 frames....
Demo Data

I think...

I fucked up...

I <3 the tileset. 4.5/5
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whats so hard about it...??
exactly 100 frames :)
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Non-completion AGD

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my keyboard stopped working so i couldnt do it
Demo Data
I really love the enemy placement, but this is a real challenge. I worked on this for about half an hour, and I managed to get an all-gold.
Demo Data

I died

Demo Data