Fractal step 3

Thumbnail of the map 'Fractal step 3'

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Author Gforce20
Tags author:gforce20 fractal n-art nart non-playable nonplayable rated
Created 2007-09-02
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description From now on I won't be submitting maps as frequently. I seem to have lost that "magic touch" that comes with a good mapmaker. I've just got to collect some ideas, and then put them together in a more organized fashion. So here you go, the 3rd and last of my fractals.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ALT×' Thumbnail of the map 'Fractal' Thumbnail of the map 'Digillated' Thumbnail of the map 'Fractal Step II' Thumbnail of the map 'CORE 0.6' Thumbnail of the map 'Hexago'
ALT× Fractal Digillated Fractal Step II CORE 0.6 Hexago


Pages: (0)

mappers block

me too. :( i'm making one right now though. first one in a few weeks.


I'm just taking a break. That's all.
I too, have lost my touch. I can't think of any original ideas.

4.5/5. That thing is awesome.


what do you mean? your going to take a break or...your never going to play again?