
Thumbnail of the map 'Electricity'

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Author _destiny^-
Tags author:_destiny^- destiny electricity fun playable race rated
Created 2007-10-17
Last Modified 2007-10-17
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description okay, gone for a new style here
the flow is still dead-on (i think) but ive been both advised and inspired by calamity7 to make you think, rather than have a straight-forward easy race. so here you go.
the hardest, most chaotic, most awesome race ive ever made. Demo posted


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Good things come in three's' Thumbnail of the map 'The tentacle of DooM' Thumbnail of the map 'Aftershock' Thumbnail of the map 'Nemesis' Thumbnail of the map 'squiggles' Thumbnail of the map 'Nathans mini-challenge'
Good things come in three's The tentacle of DooM Aftershock Nemesis squiggles Nathans mini-challenge


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Demo Data

pretty shit demo

could do better. flow is a little off on the bit in the demo - and that jump pad is just plane irritating and not fun - if it was fixed - speed could be a lot better. needs gold. other than that mine placement was perfect - and the enemies were ace. 3.5/5 tho coz of the bad points.
Demo Data
thats fuckign irritating. and add some gold - then the level will be ace. N/R so far
Demo Data


im getting goosebumps...heh heh.
well, you definitely made me think. but i diskliked the 4 tile sections in it and it is also kind of rough in some places. the enemy and mine placement was pretty good also, and the tileset was ok.
Work on aesthetics.
Gold would be nice.

i think

ive solved it, at the start



There was a cheatable part, though.


have fun :D
Demo Data


/me plays.