
Thumbnail of the map 'This'

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Author smort
Tags action author:smort dear rated sendy
Created 2007-11-16
Last Modified 2007-11-18
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Dear Sendy:

What is the accumulation of all we have done?
What is, currently, the peak of man's existence?
What have we done it all for?
It seems to me that the only thing we do flawlessly is exist, and that is a miracle.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Madgerie' Thumbnail of the map 'Cindy Applebee' Thumbnail of the map 'The dream is always the same' Thumbnail of the map 'Her Mailbox' Thumbnail of the map 'Because They Don't'
Madgerie Cindy Applebee The dream is always the same Her Mailbox Because They Don't


Pages: (0)

This is nice also.

I like the simplicity you have been capturing in your newest maps. It works perfectly.
Demo Data


forgot demo, twice in one week, I'm sorry.
Demo Data

first try.

I like it. 3.5


Do not spam my maps again.


it doesn't matter if it is or is not a swastika, as a descendant of the Grammar Nazi, may he burn forever in hell, you are now to be referrred to as "the" - oh wait, you are a grammar nazi, you always use proper grammar - "Grammar Nazi - second generation"

Let me explain.

It's not a Swastika, it's a galaxy. If it was a Swastika, I would use it as a symbol of history and religion as it was used before the Nazis.

What I am talking about is that you should consider it a miracle that anything exists at all, and was merely a reason to make this level. I like making levels with a reason. Just play the level. If you want to try and understand my ramblings by digging into the language, go ahead.

The Dear Sendy thing is a map pack and this is part of it.


Why is there a Swastika and what are you talking about?

While I'm here.. a demo..
Demo Data