Submarine; Only Yellow in the Sea

Thumbnail of the map 'Submarine; Only Yellow in the Sea'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author T3chno
Tags action author:t3chno cave playable rated skyline
Created 2008-01-03
Last Modified 2008-01-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description For Skyline's Cave competition:

EDIT: Not an entry, not cavey enough ;_;

Spent a while on this map.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Record Player; Ancient Plumbing System' Thumbnail of the map 'Freaky Tiki Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Frozen Turkey; Only in November' Thumbnail of the map 'Blood Red Shoes' Thumbnail of the map 'Pirates; Sea of Scurvy' Thumbnail of the map 'Ice Skater; Pants in the Freezer'
Record Player; Ancient Plumbing System Freaky Tiki Tree Frozen Turkey; Only in November Blood Red Shoes Pirates; Sea of Scurvy Ice Skater; Pants in the Freezer


Pages: (0)

It's nice and all,

but it doesn't make me feel like I'm in a cave.

its good


Demo Data