The Potential Afterlife of Radiation

Thumbnail of the map 'The Potential Afterlife of Radiation'

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Author MaximumRide
Tags action author:maximumride playable rated
Created 2008-01-21
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Places to enjoy:

1) The Beginning
2) Optional Gold Routes
3) Gauss Dodging

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Queen took her corgi on honeymoon' Thumbnail of the map 'a ninja hanging from a Sonic rope' Thumbnail of the map 'Hardcore Project And The Facial Pyramid' Thumbnail of the map 'Gangs Playground ' Thumbnail of the map 'Birth Of The Jagged Canal' Thumbnail of the map 'Fishbone Stew!'
The Queen took her corgi on honeymoon a ninja hanging from a Sonic rope Hardcore Project And The Facial Pyramid Gangs Playground Birth Of The Jagged Canal Fishbone Stew!


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from the beginning you are conditioned to think that you need it. That was my first time getting so far, I know now that I don't need it, so I wouldn't try again.

Damn that trapdoor

Otherwise cool. Slooooow wouldbe agd.
Demo Data
except, why the trapdoor near the end?


It's not like it's a bad map.

AGD on Nreality

forya''lls pease, unfortunately its only mediocre.

It was pretty good.

Sadly, I couldn't get past the guass on the far right, so no demos forthcoming. The trapdoor on the left bugged me quite a bit, but besides that, everything was fun. Lowish 4, methinks.

Not bad.

A little to linear for my taste but still playable. 4/5



Fairly fun level.

Not that I'm against linearity, but I didn't particularly enjoy it here. Still, nice all gold challenge and great aesthetics. 3.5/5