BB challenge

Thumbnail of the map 'BB challenge'

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Author DDRave
Tags author:ddrave bounceblock-power playable puzzle unrated
Created 2008-03-20
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description simple bounce block challenge.

rate, comment, enjoy.

demo posted. it's possible.

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SyNthesis Mech Squeegy foam Crossbreeze Lone Star Points Columnz


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I thought this was going to be a stupidly easy map, but it wasn't. Good job! 4
Demo Data


FINALLY I have beaten it. But I'm a complete noob. Fell off once. :&

Tried a different approach.
Demo Data


Haven't beaten it yet... must WIN!!!

Acutally, yeah.

I beat 268.

4/5 btw. Fun challenge (now that I know how to work the bounce blocks :P)
Demo Data


No, but I can match it.
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Demo Data