Unfruitful Pulsation

Thumbnail of the map 'Unfruitful Pulsation'

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Author Yahoozy
Tags action author:yahoozy playable rated
Created 2008-04-05
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description Another collaboration between Skyline and I.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Otherwise My Conviction' Thumbnail of the map 'Forever Endeavor' Thumbnail of the map 'Inside Living Twin' Thumbnail of the map 'Student Body' Thumbnail of the map 'Unique Weapon' Thumbnail of the map 'Flight'
Otherwise My Conviction Forever Endeavor Inside Living Twin Student Body Unique Weapon Flight


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Demo Data

I'd like to see

Mekkah and you collab.
but that's beside the point. You've done this multiple times, you realize. You've made the mistake of thinking that I was only speaking of the comments on my maps. Another thing, a vendetta against me? I get too serious? My first two short comments were both replied to with "rational" blocks of cynical text in hopes of getting your meaningless point across. It's no wonder people get angry with you when you constantly make hypocritical claims and label yourself as rational. I was going to end my last comment by telling you to recognize that this a website for maps made in a flash game. The point of these comments towards you is in expectation that you'd realize this, but your hypocritical nature has blinded you, even if you haven't noticed it.
Also, elitism has evolved into idiocy here. That's what I said, paraphrased.


First off, one thing I would like to mention is that this situation right here is similar to the one that happened on your "Winterdemons" map. Phantom Gasoline or whatever went crazy on you becasue for some reason he had something against you. I want to tell you now with my utmost sincerity that I have absolutely NOTHING against you. I don't think it's fair to, "put me in the boat" after one chain of comments. Besides, I've only left TWO comments saying that whatever map was similar to another one of yours. This one, and Otherwise your Conviction. Popularity means absolutely nothing to me. You can quote me on that.

You seem to have put your guard up for some reason. What the commenter and other readers deem as a regular statement, you see it as a start of a vendetta against you. You take things a bit to seriously sometimes. You said you were able to realize, "idiocy". What exactly do you label as idiocy? If it's my comment, I'm really going to have a hard time getting how someone's opinion is idiocy.

I really would rather not put myself at odds with you (although I may already have) over an opinionative matter. I hope this is seen as more of a mature, logical argument rather than a pointless rant. In conclusion, a strong nature and the ability to defend what you believe is definitely admirable. The problem arises in that your nature comes off a bit too strong sometimes. People could sometimes misinterpret your confidence/strong opinion as arrogance. Or asshole-ism.

Hopefully you've noticed that in my previous comments I've described your style as, "pretty". To be honest, the few maps of yours I've played, I've really liked.
I Student Body looks like Kicking Horse on Broken Hill because of the bounceblocks, which were used in two completely different methods. Otherwise, the maps really don't have much in common. Axis II, yes, uses the "spotted pattern" which has essentially become my hallmark. However, comparing this map to Orthodox Caveman is illogical. Though they both use tile-shapes that are repeated throughout the map, the tile-shapes are at variance and thus create a dissimilar tilesets. The gameplay, again, is completely different. To avoid the tedium of going through the rest of these maps, I'm just going to respond with this: You realize that you have just named off six pairs of maps, each pair unlike another, and, most of the time, each map in a pair being different from the other map in that same pair. I sincerely urge you to cease going out of your way to prove a point that is only being "made" for cynicism and decadence.

II Bullshit. I never label my maps as different, as difference isn't something I strive for, though varience is an admirable quality to have. You've convoluted yourself into believing that the merit of a map is directly related to how diverse it is, which is stupid.

III Firstly, you just typed a massive block of text to combat my short statement which you, in fact, believe to be rash only because of previous statements towards you. Also, you're falsely questioning my motives. Only after I became a well-known mapmaker did I notice the idiocy. Past acquaintanceships disappeared only because these same people, who had previously hailed me as a mapmaker, disliked my popularity, and went out of their way to become elitist assholes and discard me. You're in the same boat.

IV My comments towards you are equally as rational or irrational as I've said to anyone else. You conclude that I reply calmly to anyone elses comments but yours, when I've been known to eradicate anything I disagree with.

V Yes, thank you.
Looking through your past 20 or so, it seems like there is quite a bit of design and gameplay elements that you've used before in a different light. Student body is reminiscent of Kicking horse on broken hill. "Axis II" is basically another one of your spotted pattern maps like "orthodox caveman". "Wanpaku Ouji no Orochi Taiji" is like "big shot". Further into your archive, 'time travel of the sloths' seems like it has EXACTLY the same right side as orthodox caveman with slightly different tile shapes. "Gargoyles Quest" is essentially an expansion of a design on "Likes to Burn." This map itself is very similar to a map called, "Treasons."
Again, I'm not saying these maps here are EXACTLY the same, but they are contrived in one way or another.

All you do is make new, attractive designs and add one of your standard gameplay templates to them. Although you label your maps as, "different", you merely make new combinations of your standard/old stuff. Almost like you plagiarize yourself.

You should realize how incredibly arrogant and defensive you sound. Instead of thinking about what I said (which I really can't be sure of) you just try to defend yourself/retaliate as fast as you can. I've observed your comments and attitude here before you were really well-known. You are a totally different person now. You know people like your maps, and as a result you've become
arrogant. It's like you quickly bash anyone who "dares" to challenge your maps these days.

In addition, you seemed to have ignored the fact that you were a complete douche to me when I made a comment that others made as well. You didn't lose your skirt when seven two said, "feels like playing the same all over". Instead, you replied with a logical, collected, calm response." I'm not generalizing you in that aspect, but it really is something that needs to be addressed.

And of course, I can't say all your maps are similar. I admit you have some that are a departure from your usual.
Repetition in gameplay is something I enjoy, but this doesn't make a conglomerate of indistinguishable maps.

Look at

seven_two's comment on your axis map or whatever

atob's comment on your frontwards map.
I'll elaborate a bit more. I'll try my best not to sound contentious.

I can definitely see how it's hypocritical. Considering I have the same problem of diversifying my maps. BUT, this /is/ the same old you. I don't really see how I'm echoic, considering I rarely take the opportunity to play let alone comment on your maps. You'll have to realize that the few things YOU say to ME are hypocritical as well. You said to me on my 50th map that, "I'm very typical". Please, dude. Your maps are similar as well. You have a pretty style the people enjoy, but in reality, you just repeat the same stuff over and over. Furthermore, other people make comments similar to mine, but you seem to nonchalantly pass them off. My stomach turns when I try to criticize your maps, usually because I'm expecting a rash, rude comment - similar to the one that you just left.

Look at epigone's and fotf's comments.
the tiles were, okay i guess, enemy placement was nice, but it was repetitive and, basically what it was repeating was nothing too interesting.

Very nice

Interesting tileset as well :)


here it is
Demo Data

intense map.

its fun, medium-hard difficulty, and it looks great.
agd soon
not that that is a bad thing.


Awesome, fun and artistic, look like ribbons falling down, awesome. Great gameplay too, not many people can pull that off. Keep it up, 5/5.