The Execution of the Clown

Thumbnail of the map 'The Execution of the Clown'

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Author Msyjsm
Tags action author:msyjsm death faces literally of rated
Created 2008-04-10
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Took an old tileset I had set aside and pooped out some objects for it.

Maybe he's actually a mime, but I've grown attached to the name.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pusal' Thumbnail of the map 'Indoor Hurdles' Thumbnail of the map 'Sheevah' Thumbnail of the map 'Majesty' Thumbnail of the map 'Some Decor' Thumbnail of the map 'Zaggy Moonpowder'
Pusal Indoor Hurdles Sheevah Majesty Some Decor Zaggy Moonpowder


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Improved speed

Demo Data
I got some gold but all gold/no swtiches just seems impossible.
I think that some of the gold may be reachable without switches, but not all of it.


agd without switches is impossible. Even if you could jump at the left as there were no mines. You couldn't get the left gold pieces and maybe not the ones at the right, too.
On top of that you can't cornerjump from the nose to the gold, too.
Seems too impossible for me ;)
Demo Data


meta_ing, if you pull off an agd with no switches consider me un-retired :D


I don't know about other highscorers, but I can't do those walljumps between mines more than once in a row, if I'm lucky.

Heh, how so?

Did what I said I was trying to do. Slightly better time than your AGD.

Now, I'm going to try for a no switches AGD. (If that's possible...)
Demo Data

Haha, what the hell

Meta_Ing, you are crazy.



I know a faster way up using the same method, only jumping from the mouth so that you don't need to jump between as many mines...

It's surprisingly alot harder though. Favorited for tomorrow or until I get it.

No gold demo

I beat seifer on NReality just by doing this.
Demo Data


sweet gameplay
hilariously hideous tileset

here's my agd - it would have been much nicer if I could have done that last jump first :\
Demo Data


Insane, at first i thought it was another noobish map but its actually really awesome. Gameplay is great and quite a puzzler 5/5

Quite cool.

The simplicity was awesome, though you could've added enemies for some more fun.


Yeah, looks pretty lame :P, but its a great challenge. Frustrating as hell. I love it.

Completion. Some of the gold got away.
Demo Data


The thumbnail looks crappy... :(
Demo Data