43-4: the Cyclone Goes Whirl Whirl

Thumbnail of the map '43-4: the Cyclone Goes Whirl Whirl'

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Author cucumber_boy
Tags action author:cucumber_boy kk playable rated
Created 2008-05-21
Last Modified 2008-05-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Sort-of like atob, but he never does symmetry.

Yeah, so AGD is kinda difficult, but never impossible.

edit: cut number of drones.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '42-3: You'll Do anything for a Klondike' Thumbnail of the map '42-4: Little Viking on the Prarie' Thumbnail of the map '43-0: Kick Out.' Thumbnail of the map '43-1: Abudantly  Timely' Thumbnail of the map '43-2: The Chronicles of a Past Forgotten' Thumbnail of the map '43-3: The Ambulance Chaser'
42-3: You'll Do anything for a Klondike 42-4: Little Viking on the Prarie 43-0: Kick Out. 43-1: Abudantly Timely 43-2: The Chronicles of a Past Forgotten 43-3: The Ambulance Chaser


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lol thats great. anyway i did like this one. i liked the use of oneways and drones. 5/5aved



It's alright.

Just above average. No special elements in here. Just felt like another map on NUMA with some decent drones and lazy gold placement.