
Thumbnail of the map 'North'

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Author I-Am-A-Bilingual-Hippopotamus
Tags action author:i-am-a-bilingual-hippopotamus mines no-ground playable thwumps unrated
Created 2008-05-29
Last Modified 2008-05-29
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Took a little while. Hard and fun, as usual.

EDIT: The rocket rooms are gone. They were ugly and far from fun. =P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Mango-Flavored Demon Box' Thumbnail of the map 'Any Way the Wind Blows' Thumbnail of the map 'In My Mold' Thumbnail of the map 'Crank' Thumbnail of the map 'Prethithely' Thumbnail of the map 'Count It'
The Mango-Flavored Demon Box Any Way the Wind Blows In My Mold Crank Prethithely Count It


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make more quick maps for teh mpt2 PLZ!!!!!
It was very fun. I just didnt like the rocket rooms too mcuh. 4/5