
Thumbnail of the map 'Designator'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author spudzalot
Tags action agd-challenge author:spudzalot playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-05-31
Last Modified 2008-05-31
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description You know that map that has been sitting in your computer forever gathering dust and doesn't seem to go anywhere, like no matter how much you work on it, fix it, tweak it, it never turns out right, and then you are so fed up with it that you end up submitting it and dont expect anyone to like it that much? You dont? Well, say hello to Designator.

Inspired by Evil_Bob

First AGD gets a dedication, and its a puzzle remember that!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Glazed' Thumbnail of the map 'Road Trip' Thumbnail of the map 'Spoken' Thumbnail of the map 'If Time Could Tell' Thumbnail of the map 'Avacados' Thumbnail of the map 'Chronicle'
Glazed Road Trip Spoken If Time Could Tell Avacados Chronicle


Pages: (0)

good map

nice design but too many small components. i would give it a 4.5

Thanks gloomp <3

Now which one of you didn't rate!? XD

Too hard for me, great puzzle. Great map. 5/5


got quite far

ingenious. 5
Demo Data