Multi-Dimensional Bamboo Forest

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Author tinkers7777
Tags action author:tinkers7777 bamboo jumper puzzle unrated
Created 2008-06-13
Last Modified 2008-06-13
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Please help me on this. im sorta stuck

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Well no duh

of course theres a crapload of things to deal with. I'm going to add gold at the end. Too bad no one even attempted to answer any of my questions. :( And Ill delist everything else when Im done. Its not even a level yet Universe Zero


Bit easy. Needs some gold. Agree with SkyRay. Need more drones. 2.75/5
Demo Data
Ack.. you have quite a collection of these don't you.. honestly, you need to mix some of the corners together with the tileset, it looks kind of hideous, i would make it more of a drone jumping puzzle with not too many drones, but a good amount of both drones and mines and make it fun and both difficult to get some switches up at the top.. maybe add some one ways. thats just my opinion.
First of all, I forgot how to make the drone go up and down. Second, how can i make it so that if you fall off the top part you can't recover to make it more of a jumper? Third, should I add a couple of mines to the bottom part to make it harder? And finally, should i just mainly lay out the gold in certain hard to reach places? Thanks for the support. I'm sorry I'm such a n00b.