
Thumbnail of the map 'oioioi'

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Author pjpjio
Tags author:pjpjio fhjf fun-to-look-at kirby n-art nonplayable unrated
Created 2008-07-01
Last Modified 2008-07-01
Map Data

Description it`s good

Other maps by this author

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Hot-Race The_first_try Juhu


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i really like it.
i think the tileset was quite good actually, but if im being negative then i could say a lack of enemies, but that may be quite harsh.
but i agree, you should wait between submitting maps, to try and get some feedback, and then to IMPROVE on your next maps, but still very good
If you limit the amount of maps you submit in one go.

Taking some more time over your submissions will help your map quality improve along with the attention they receive.

Just a thought...