
Thumbnail of the map 'Twisted'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TRT_Bardock
Tags author:trt_bardock fun n-art non-playable rated wire-art wireframe
Created 2008-07-05
Last Modified 2008-07-28
by 32 people.
Map Data

Description It's a view from the top. The two structures have been twisted sideways... Can you picture?
Do comment on what you think of it.


Wireframe art. Watch in Edit mode.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Roots of Technology' Thumbnail of the map '† The Altar †' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge - 1' Thumbnail of the map 'In And Out!' Thumbnail of the map 'Insert Title Here...' Thumbnail of the map 'The opening'
Roots of Technology † The Altar † Simple Challenge - 1 In And Out! Insert Title Here... The opening


Pages: (0)

whoa, nice


Press ~ key when you start N.
Copy paste map data into the upper data box after clearing it.
Press somewhere outside the data box and click L.
Once the map has loaded press E.
sry caps lock, but all i saw was some bounce blocks, but im probably not doing sumthing so, 5

Check it out guys,

piece_of_milk can divide by zero.

o_o - O_O

This is so amazing!

amazing really ^^

i think you forgot to rate my latest map tho, you may have come back and rated it tho, i'm not sure.


It's frickin wireframe. You view it in Ned. It's that kind of ignoraance that gives people a bad reputation.

I don't know why

But I seem to love this. 5/5 Ten times over.


it's just a full square!



that is really cool

Yeah, I like it

I'll will give a 5/5. But nothing new. I have seen better before.

pretty cool

i liked it. must've taken a while. 5


reminds me of the original line-rider!


but I'd like to see something that's really new with wireframe arts.


nothing to be too excited over, but 5/5 nonetheless. best ive seen in a while.


It's precisely that thinking that I want to change.
Imo wireframes hold enormous potential.
I know they don't take too much effort to create once an idea has formed but its the creativity and thinking that you need to produce that idea which is worth appreciating in my opinion...
You might disagree and fair enough I say.


tagged "fun"


It just can't be done 4/5

Holy shizzle..


I can't see it, but it's amazing nonetheless O_o
5/5 Great job.