
Thumbnail of the map 'Behemoth'

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Author yungerkid
Tags author:yungerkid collab flowy monstrosity race rated
Created 2008-07-10
Last Modified 2008-07-10
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description collab between da_man894 and i. it turned out quite well. also, the last and by far the best of the Monstrosity series.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cutout Arcade' Thumbnail of the map 'Juggernaut' Thumbnail of the map 'Leviathan' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragon Head step 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Titanic' Thumbnail of the map 'White Rounds to Blue'
Cutout Arcade Juggernaut Leviathan Dragon Head step 2 Titanic White Rounds to Blue


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who do you think we are superman?
It is so hard. But i will keep trying.
But once you get to the thwump and laser drone part it falls apart a little bit. You did some interesting things with the flow, but I wish some more accounting had been done of the randomness of the rocket and laser's firing times. Overall a good race, but it has a few quirks that hurt it and requires too much of precision.



Hitting the jumppad just right requires a little more precision than you have control over, seeing as the jump that gets you to the jumppad involves a thwump and that's inherently less reliable than a jump off of a tile. Sometimes I was a little too much to the left or right and it'd mess up the jumppad trajectory. That's the only one worth mentioning that I didn't mention. This combined with the two I said before are the major flow problems, IMO. Glad I helped.

thanks alot riobe,

i really appreciate all the commentary. it's really in your benefit in the long run. now, i'll be able to look at your commentary on the weaknesses of the race, figure out what made those weaknesses occur, and prevent them in future races. if i keep eliminating weakness after weakness after weakness...eventually it'll turn out pretty good.
i very much appreciate it whenever i see someone giving another person a lengthy description (nonoffensively) of the weaknesses of their race, or suggestions, or constructive criticism.
thanks again, and keep it up. it helps. a lot.


There were a few flaws with the track.

  1. One of the first problems I had encountered was that although it was unique jumping off of the thwump, it had created a problem, because if you hadn't pulled it off, you wouldn't be able to get to the launchpad above.

  2. The next problem is kind of a personal preference. Right after hitting the launchpad, I'd end up hitting the mine, which became irritating after a while. Maybe a different tile?

  3. The chimney was extremely hard to pull of.

  4. Jumping off of that tile to go into the exit area was extremely hard to pull of also. Therefore, in a string of hard to pull of jumps, you are bound to mess up on one of them.

  5. Just in general, jumping off of oneways are terribly annoying. Maybe tiles instead.

    Well, the tileset was still great, and the flow at the beginning was great also. I still think that this race shall get a 4/5. I know all the work you 2 had put into this, so I shall take that into mind as i continue playing it. :D


would one more tile space in the lower left have made it good? also, are there *any* other areas of the map where the flow is less than excellent? please, please tell me if there are. thank you so much for taking your time to tell me specifically what was bad about this. you don't know how few people just say "good" or "bad" and just leave. it's really a breath of fresh air. thanks.
The good parts of this map are quite good: most of the flow is not just well-done, but almost breath-taking, and the tileset is superb. Unfortunately, the gameplay is quite difficult. The most annoying thing is misfirings. The laser misfires about 35-40% of the time, and the rocket "misfires" about 90% of the time (but you can get around the rocket if you try - in my demo, you can see that the only way I could get back out of the bottom left is by stopping for a second so the rocket doesn't get me). On top of that, in a few places the flow is awkward and difficult (ex: hitting the jump to get out of the bottom left at full speed is a huge pain, and I always have to slow down just a tad to land on the tile and make that jump into the top left). So while there's much to commend about this map, I'll have to go with a solid 3/5. The gameplay issues are just too crucial.
Demo Data

flow/path demo

hehe...thanks to da_man894 for this lol. ;)
Demo Data