Trained Assassin

Thumbnail of the map 'Trained Assassin'

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Author UniverseZero
Tags author:universezero gauss hard nreality puzzle race unrated
Created 2008-07-25
Last Modified 2008-07-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ***NREALITY***

A map I threw together involving a Gauss Drone chasing you around the map. You have to be fast! It's one nasty gauss...


EDIT: Goes around once now. Thanks for the advice!

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Mount Olympus The Periodic Table of Elements Conquestadors Realm of the Unfortunate Lost In Hell The Galactic Bazaar


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go around twice was a bad idea. Make the gauss drone go faster and the path set as once.

nice concept, average execution. 3/5