ghost assault course

Thumbnail of the map 'ghost assault course'

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Author w00tw00tboy
Tags author:w00tw00tboy course ghost-drone medium n-reality nreality unrated
Created 2008-07-30
Last Modified 2008-07-30
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is my 1st nreality map, basically your gong around this assault course with a ghost dron following you, supprisingly hard with the rotating laser there aswell

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'CELL BLOCK 8' Thumbnail of the map 'jailbreak' Thumbnail of the map 'Jailbreak 2 - high security' Thumbnail of the map 'Jailbreak 3 - the riot' Thumbnail of the map 'cave of the n' Thumbnail of the map 'THORN SHOCK'
CELL BLOCK 8 jailbreak Jailbreak 2 - high security Jailbreak 3 - the riot cave of the n THORN SHOCK


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the ghostdrone ended on the exit :P

You have o change the codes, go to nwiki and search for Nreality mods, then find the things ur lookin for


How do you do all these freaky mods? I just got Nreality and cannot figure it out.




Beat that Evil_Bob!

Demo Data

I cheated

And beat all the times on Nreality. =D

it's alright.
Demo Data


i loved it! super fun! 4/5 saved