Trap Door Mayhem 3: The Lost N

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Author B_Radster1
Tags 3 author:b_radster1 door mayhem puzzle trap unrated
Created 2008-08-01
Last Modified 2008-08-01
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The third level in my Trap Door Mayhem Series.
Don't get Lost!
Good Luck and Happy Rating!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Escape Artist' Thumbnail of the map 'Avada Kedavra the Killing Curse' Thumbnail of the map 'Styrackosaurus' Thumbnail of the map 'Momemtum' Thumbnail of the map 'So You Think You Can Dance' Thumbnail of the map 'Osmosis'
Mine Escape Artist Avada Kedavra the Killing Curse Styrackosaurus Momemtum So You Think You Can Dance Osmosis


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at least as far as i can tell.

its a rather nice one too...

did i mention i like Lost too!!!
Demo Data

How about this

Try using Nreality. That leaves some thinking space.
almost every possible idea has already been done a gazillion times, so I'm just looking to create some different ideas in any way that I can.
The first one had a series of shutes that zap drones chase you through
The second one forced 'N' to move across every single space on the entire map
The third one was set up in a series of larger cubes to make it more difficult to figure out which was to go next
I am already finishing number 4 and 5 as well.
4 will have a lot of random triggers in a large area that pop up randomly all over the board and the challlenge is to get to the other side, and 5 will keeping your eyes all over the screen to see where the different doors unlock at as you play.
I know that these things aren't the most original thing that has ever been created but I certainly hope that they will each contain their own unique ideas
Okay I'm finished now. lol
and didn't even press record...

I'm sorry, but trap door mazes should be put gently to sleep.

Here's a Demo

This level is a little different from my other Trap Door's because it is set up in the shape of lots of cubes and shapes so you have to search for the way out of each box!
Good luck
Demo Data