
Thumbnail of the map 'abstract'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mmmewk
Tags author:mmmewk fhjf fun-to-look-at n-art nonplayable open rated
Created 2008-08-20
Last Modified 2008-08-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump runnn!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'up down' Thumbnail of the map 'the 4 rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'ss' Thumbnail of the map 'ud' Thumbnail of the map '3'
Thwump runnn!!! up down the 4 rooms ss ud 3


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I was about to write something really bad here, then I thought how I´d feel about that. Well, the map is... nothing. Keep doing your maps, look at good maps, watch how the authors do them, you just need to practise. We always need new authors at NUMA.