New School

Thumbnail of the map 'New School'

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Author Riobe
Tags action author:riobe fun medium playable rated rockets
Created 2008-10-12
Last Modified 2008-10-12
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Hi, this is my two-hundred seventy-second map submitted to NUMA. I worked really hard on this, and I love it to bits.. Enjoy! :)


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Other Side Of The Mirror' Thumbnail of the map 'Finale:Retirement' Thumbnail of the map 'Poisonous Barba-Q' Thumbnail of the map 'Refugee' Thumbnail of the map 'Paridigm' Thumbnail of the map 'Apocalypse'
The Other Side Of The Mirror Finale:Retirement Poisonous Barba-Q Refugee Paridigm Apocalypse


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after i read yungerkids comment, PALEMOON shot soda out his nose :P

yea... he'll get it...


after i read yungerkids comment, PALEMOON shot soda out his mouth :P

yea... he'll get it...


(by anything, i mean maps ;))


i'm not going to be much help here. i can't finish it at all, but then again, i can't complete hardly anythi

quite rueful.

i'll give it a whirl.

It is cool.

But not everything. 3.5




cuz I NEVER snipe.

First AGD

Lovely lovely.

Demo Data

Not you

I never suspected you to do it. =)


i didnt snipe it...


4 out of 5.
Liked the gold placement and the tiles.



one beastly map...

taha... love it. 5/5aved.

It's ok

I can handle it. I do it too much myself. XD


i think people (myself included) are judging difficulty of maps such as this one on how far they could get. agd is somewhat difficult after watching your demo, but it seems a lot more simple. sorry for the 3 i should've thought it through more :(


screw up much? :O


Check it out.

Whoops... *it's* not t]it's. XD
I would like to know for the future, if you know what I mean.

I'll give a demo to show how t]it's much easier that apprehended.

Demo Data
It's just the difficulty spike was astronomical. Great job with the level!

It's ok

Just don't do it in the future. =)

I don't get

how it's hard though. The beginning? I thought it was easy...
check it out!!


More feedback. =)


oops :P

Holy moly

I meant two-hundred seventy second map. Typo. XO
The inside, or the out side?
Although I feel the gauss dosen't ave to be there now. I'll edit it a bit.
but yeah, like eganic said. But it still wasnt that bad. 4. If you didnt come out of the big bulge in the center, I would have said one rocket would be better.


Well, opinions are opinions. I personally love this map to death.

I had an AGD all ready for ya, but I died from gravity right at the exit due to a clumsy fall. DX


:/ didnt like the pressuring feel or the thwumps the tiles and gold were good though

alright woo!

congrats robe man