
Thumbnail of the map 'Chalices'

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Author BionicCryonic
Tags action author:bioniccryonic drone-pathes tileset unrated
Created 2008-11-01
Last Modified 2008-11-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A drone path level. Have fun!



Thanks to rule for pointing out the mistake.

I totally forgot gold! I put some in now!

Other maps by this author

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Soar Hecticly FFD-DDA Mad reflexes Cliffhanger Blitzoff


Pages: (0)

Just glad I can help. O, sorry for spam.
-The laser drones did most of the work, the zap drones only delayed you.
-There was no gold, which is to bad, because there is nothing to collect, and the map does not look as good.
-The tileset was a little bit basic, not much special

-It was challenging
-The tileset made it harder, which I like.
-Getting some of the switches was fun and tricky too.

So improve on tileset, gold and enemy placement, Completion;
Demo Data

Eh, in my eyes.

Kindly Criticize Constructive = KCC Not CKK :)
I'll brb with an AGD. I hope.
They make it so you can't move away from the lasers. In some cases.
The lasers did most, if not all of the work. 3