
Thumbnail of the map 'Qwertybop'

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Author Be_Happy_:)
Tags ... author:be_happy_:) behappyy-izzy rated week6
Created 2008-11-08
Last Modified 2008-11-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description week 6 collab with izzy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ANSWER=24' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Look Back!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Animated Animator' Thumbnail of the map 'BEEYOOTIFUL' Thumbnail of the map 'Sammich' Thumbnail of the map 'Rezyclatyl Polyruithan'
ANSWER=24 Don't Look Back! The Animated Animator BEEYOOTIFUL Sammich Rezyclatyl Polyruithan


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very tense

3/5, I agree with uNcoN
Demo Data

Its pretty cool

But personally I found the bounceblocks to be a little invasive with such a cramped space. The rocket play was good, and the placement was cool ,just those bounceblocks frustratinging me. 3.5 up


Here are my thoughts.

I found this map far too cramped. I think that you're on the right track with the concept of rockets, mines and a tileset with only right angles and could potentially make a stunning map from those mechanics.

However, the fact that I only have one way to go frustrates me, a feeling which is then amplified because of the fact there's high density of mines and rockets which causes me to have to restart repeatedly.

I'd also say you spent far too much time on the object placement compared to on the tileset. This leads to the map as a whole having quite a shoddy feel to it.

Basically, I'd say, try and open up more choices for the player, instead of forcing them down a fixed route. Also, I reckon a bit more open space and a few less objects could improve it. Not a great finished product, but if you put some more time into it, there's cetainly some potential.

man that would

make me mad eganic..

oh no! *see demo*

great style

rockets and mines worked perfectly together fantastic gold placement. only thing i didnt like was how easy it was to do what i did at the end :(
4.5 up really fun
Demo Data