
Thumbnail of the map 'Overgrown'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author rule
Tags author:rule dood overgrown playable race rated
Created 2008-11-18
Last Modified 2008-11-18
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description "I can see the abanded race track there!"-yungerkid

Some things are hard but it should not be too easy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Much Room for Error! [Resub]' Thumbnail of the map 'Missed the Mother load?' Thumbnail of the map 'It feels so empty.' Thumbnail of the map 'Squid' Thumbnail of the map 'False Hope' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tunnels are so Dark'
Much Room for Error! [Resub] Missed the Mother load? It feels so empty. Squid False Hope The Tunnels are so Dark


Pages: (0)

3/5 for the play
5/5 for the tileset

so its 5aved.

un momento

por favourlol


thats will halp me next time..

and its very nice your level.



Demo Data

aaaaaaaaaah. atob hates racez.
think i might have already told you that


i love tilesets. they have such potential.


not so good as other maps.

OH dear.

Why must you question the 2. It's his honest assessment of the map.

Ahaha nice destiny!

You found the hidden door ^^
For the real path jump there and get to the upper door. ^^

First try

that was quite a rush. I think i was supposed to jump XD
Demo Data

oh yeah

it was you who told me to view this map in the first place
oops nvm ty

If Im being sincere

Yes, it is a problem that the tileset sometimes takes your focus from the race. The problem is, they look too nice and distinctive, really i thought that something less involved but more complementary could have been used. That said, I understand the ideas you're trying to get across with the theme.


the reason I can't play it is because this computer doesn't have N on, thankyou very much, so if you could not be a dick on my map, I'd appreciate it.
Im sure doing all of the basics right gets you a higher grade than an E there. Imo, even if it is generic, there was still some nice enemy placement and good close calls. That said, I hated the switches, and I didnt like how the tileset distracted overtly from the action. 3, or C if you prefer.


I need more ratings on my map
normally wouldnt advertise but i think its very original
Demo Data

For me

you're not doing anything that hasn't been done a hundred times before.


Why is it that you rate all my maps 2? Why?


of the same. 2/5.
Completed the map? Now, feel like an idiot that you missed this hahaha.
Demo Data
I'm definitely absolutely sure that the quote of yungerkid made this an average 5.
Yeah, I know it is not going to stay 5 ^^
Still cool.


and dunks it stricht into the exit
just got back from basketball bout an hour ago - 5
Demo Data




I don't want to play it.


I didn't play it.




that is epically fast.



I just thought "Lets search a rule race" and here one is, on the hot maps page.

ooooops ^^

I'm pretty stupid ^^
Demo Data