Mission: impossible

Thumbnail of the map 'Mission: impossible'

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Author mehnameisjonny
Tags author:mehnameisjonny good hard impossible luck rated
Created 2008-11-28
Last Modified 2008-11-28
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description just a really, really, really hard level I made when learning to use the NED.


Pages: (0)


some of these guys can be dicks. Sorry about that man. Glad to see it didn't defer you from mapmaking.

Let's see... Playing N with my toes? I'll give it a shot.
*time passes*
...this isn't working too well. Maybe remapping the keys would help? I'll try RightArrow for left, NumPad0 for right, and space for jump.
*times passes*
Awright! Episode zero completed with only two toes! That's the most fun I've had with the early levels in years!
*time passes*
Oh well. Tis too hard for me to complete with my toes.


Impossible...if you are blindfolded and have no hands perhaps. Or if you are mentally challenged. Even then with enough practice, one could memorize how to play it with one's toes.
I thought this map was actually very easy. I think that once you get the feel for how NED works and how to plan out levels more, you will have some potential. Nice job for a first map, and welcome to NUMA. Keep making maps. 3
Demo Data

Its not that hard

actually really easy 3