
Thumbnail of the map 'Fixture'

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Author bluenin
Tags action author:bluenin unrated
Created 2008-12-11
Last Modified 2008-12-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For tinkers7777's contest.

Please enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Portal' Thumbnail of the map 'She Has Eyes' Thumbnail of the map 'Granny's Little Yard Gnomes' Thumbnail of the map 'Oklahoma Ghetto Scene' Thumbnail of the map '1:35 am, Friday, December Fifth' Thumbnail of the map 'Occasional Fish'
Portal She Has Eyes Granny's Little Yard Gnomes Oklahoma Ghetto Scene 1:35 am, Friday, December Fifth Occasional Fish


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I got all the gold. . .
Demo Data


Had a good concept, but a little to hardcore. Had great core gameplay though, so 18 there. Again, seen before, so 15. The rules were followed perfectly, so 10 there. As a final score, 43. Good job. A little on the hard side though...
Here is your Score: Following the rules: 10/10 You followed them perfectly. Originality, 15/20. Th five tile and laser combination had been used many, many times before, but the gold was unexpectedly satisfactory. Gameplay, 17/20. The tiles were a little awkward, and the lasers too unforgiving. But it was still pretty solid.


Pretty slow completion:
Demo Data