
Thumbnail of the map 'Stochastic'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Arona_Daal
Tags action author:arona_daal floorguards playable rated rockets thwumps
Created 2008-12-12
Last Modified 2008-12-12
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Simple rocket dodger, need a corner jump or a small wall jump to reach the exit.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Urban Jungle' Thumbnail of the map 'Irregular' Thumbnail of the map 'Spores' Thumbnail of the map 'Venom' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaingun Cove' Thumbnail of the map 'Vestigial'
Urban Jungle Irregular Spores Venom Chaingun Cove Vestigial


Pages: (0)

Simple greatness it is. 5/5
5/5 public

pretty hard

i thought it was good, im thinking the same with incognito, nothing to say, but a 4/5 for me
made the gameplay in their respective areas snippy. or that;s just me. 4.5
Demo Data


bad to say about it 5