
Thumbnail of the map 'Mascarade'

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Author Miiio
Tags action author:miiio puzzle rated thwumps
Created 2008-12-28
Last Modified 2008-12-28
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description this took 4hrs total, i got my inspiration from lord_day's Sircus []. enjoy its very hard.
hell, ill throw in a ded to first completion! rce!

Other maps by this author

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GHM Silent Alcove The Pale Cheese and the Blue Moon Glapagus Ktaam Nueral Pathways


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agree with GHM

A good challenge

Haven't done it yet got to the door key once so maby yes a little too hard but I like it 4/5

Too long and hard

And yes, I said that about the original too. This is cool, tho.