Thumbnail of the map 'FUDGE'

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Author broken_phoenix
Tags author:broken_phoenix dda fast fun launchpads thwumps unrated
Created 2009-03-08
Last Modified 2009-03-08
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description FUDGE is what i said when i first tried to make a dda, this is my 2nd attempt (the 1st one i didn't even try to submit on this site). so... basically this is my first proper dda. i don't have any rockets or close calls, and i know it's quite short, but i thought i should do something different to action maps and evil little maps that no one cares about. so without further ado, here's FUDGE

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Kinda slow, but thwump propulsion is a hard type of DDA. Good work.

Demo Data
from my last comment into the map data box make sure there are no enters and load it definitely has a rocket but I'm not talking about his map


i don't see no rocket there :P

I tried to make my additions as non-invasive as possible but you can use it if you want the top sections to slow to have decent threats =)