Nervous Breakdown 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Nervous Breakdown 2'

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Author grindcore_ninja4666
Tags action author:grindcore_ninja4666 fun medium-hard playable unrated
Created 2009-03-28
Last Modified 2009-03-28
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description After all the help and tip everyone gave me I said to myslef make a new map or work on a old 1. So I worked on Nervous Breakdown because it is a good map and I knew it could be better so here is Nervoues Breakdown 2 after I use all the tip everyone gave me plz comment on what you liked and disliked and rate this is my 3rd map I had made so far :Þ (I have fix the prob with the zap drones so now they will folo you around the spiral now)

Other maps by this author

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Make another map

you haven't made one for ages :(


Nothing wrong with it, it's fine.
The mine placements are excellent and those gauss turrets.
The zap drones didn't do much except chase you around and around!
It is better than Nervous Breakdown 1.
1. You can follow as much of this advice as you want, ignore it if you like.

2. Don't take anyone's word as gospel on numa. Listen to everyone, but don't just agree with them, decide for yourself how you want to go about things.

3. The easiest way, for me, to start making maps is to limit yourself. Use a small variety of tiles, just 'E' 'D' and '1' tiles for instance, and see what you can make. Use only one kind of enemy, mixed with mines. This will mean that you will start to follow themes in your maps, the whole thing will develop a collective theme that will hold it all together.

4. Try not to go for novelty ideas, such as large amounts of trapdoors, or long winding passages, a good way to work, is to try and create simple maps, with lots of room for interpretation. Give the player room and options to play the map how he wants to.

5. Play other users maps, an ideal place to start is the featured maps section.

6. Join the forums [], people are much more responsive to requests for advice and suggestion on there than on individual maps. Asking people to look at your maps on numa is generally frowned upon.

7. Whilst your on the forums, a brilliant place to start looking for mapping advice is right here [].

Hope this helps.

thank you

thank you all yes the first 2 maps i did were nooby but i just started maping and yes i will do better and do greater maps this is just the start of it all and thank you on you out look on the lvl it realy helps :)


That is SO much better than the previous 2 levels. But tell you what? Please don't decorate with gold so much. Gold should be a challenge, not aesthetic pleasure.


Expecting great things from you!


ty m8 ill be making a new map in the morning i need to think and get some ideas first

ur a nice guy ;)

good author, good maps. keep up the good work.


thank you ill fix it m8 lol i didnt know they couldnt go around the rounded curve kk m8


I wasn't sure what to expect, because you kept saying you were a noob, but MAN! Trust me, this is WAAY better than my first level! Keep in mind, the seeker drones can't follow you around the curve. You could make it so that they can go around the spiral, or you could make it so that you have to slow down before you hit the first turn...anyway, great job!

demo data

here is the demo data
Demo Data
i would like very much if you comment on what you liked and disliked and if you also rated it i am still a noob at this but i took all the tip i got from everyone on tonight and i hope you like it :)