We watch you

Thumbnail of the map 'We watch you'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tunco123
Tags agd author:tunco123 gauss gold lazer rated rocket
Created 2009-03-28
Last Modified 2009-03-30
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I can't believe how this turned out to be an action map.
I know you can't hide.
Ded to fastest agd,until 30 March 2009,6:00pm.
EDIT:Ded goes to romaniac.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Genious' Thumbnail of the map 'Catchinator' Thumbnail of the map 'Computer Annivesary' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken light' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Generator' Thumbnail of the map 'Creating Explosives'
Genious Catchinator Computer Annivesary Broken light Power Generator Creating Explosives


Pages: (0)

It was very hard at the first part but fun, I think the hardness in the begging ruined it a little. :( 3/5

Hate the start. :/

I don't think the guass is needed. The movement was quirky.

Also, completion.
Demo Data

Pretty hard start

It ruins the fun and is a bit hard at the start. But then it gets enjoyable. The start could be improved to make it slightly easier.

Otherwise a satisfactory 3.

a fair bit

faster AGD

this will stay top
Demo Data
but at least it's the first.
Demo Data