16 pieces

Thumbnail of the map '16 pieces'

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Author maciej_urban
Tags 2-way author:maciej_urban fun medium playable puzzle unrated
Created 2009-03-28
Last Modified 2009-03-28
Map Data

Description 16 levels

Other maps by this author

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jajajajajajajajajjajajajaj ninja and zap drone SQUARES jumpes warning doors spaceships stars


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it's definately doable.
The idea of lots of rooms never really works well. And the hidden thwumps were a real pain. Bounceblock mazes are also not recieved too well. And all those floorguards certainly weren't needed, perhaps only half of them. There were a few good ideas, but you should try to merge the parts of your level into eachother more naturally.
Demo Data


The demo says it all. I think it is impossible. The floorgaurds go through the wall and kill you.
Demo Data