
Thumbnail of the map 'Scale'

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Author Jiggerjaw
Tags author:jiggerjaw playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-10-29
Last Modified 2005-10-29
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description I've just been trying so so so so hard to make a neat tileset, like those of astheoceansblue and templex, etc. I think I failed, but maybe not. Submitted as a test level just because I want to see how it does.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Blur 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Surrealism' Thumbnail of the map 'Translucent' Thumbnail of the map 'Intestinal Erosion' Thumbnail of the map 'Through Valleys of Darkness' Thumbnail of the map 'Glitchtastic 3 - Surrounded'
Blur 2 Surrealism Translucent Intestinal Erosion Through Valleys of Darkness Glitchtastic 3 - Surrounded


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fun stuff man, fun stuff. it's pretty tough too. fizzle/fizzle
You make my day so good just with your sense of humor and stuff, it's great. Thanks man.


the maps insane. this is a great tileset. and your the 2nd highest rated guy on numa. you dont have to question yourself. or take shit from anyone! even me! infact i should spit shine your shoes! here let me just, he, cmon, theres a smuge on the right shoe, let me just do a quick wipe... hmm okay i wont shine your shoes. wow im up way too late. g nite ill beat this tommorow when im good and sober