
Thumbnail of the map 'Skewers'

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Author alecslo
Tags author:alecslo playable unrated
Created 2009-05-23
Last Modified 2009-05-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Mapdraft map. Yes i used the launchpads they are just under the bounce blocks. Pretty darn fun. Gotten completion, but don't have a demo. If you think there is a problem with the amount of objects tell me and I will correct it. Here we are.

30 Gold
3 Mines
1 Rocket
1 Locked Door

You cannot place Mines in your map. If any of your packs have optional mines you must use the other option.

101 "E" tiles

6 Bounce Blocks
10 Gold
5 Launch Pads
8 'E' Tiles
4 'One' Tiles
8 'Five' Tiles

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