The Legend of Zelda

Thumbnail of the map 'The Legend of Zelda'

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Author im_bad_at_N
Tags 100 adventure author:im_bad_at_n link rated
Created 2009-05-25
Last Modified 2009-05-25
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description MY 100TH MAP!!!

I'm happy to say that I stuck with Ngame and NUMA for 100 maps. This map, which is the tileset for my avitar, took a week to make, starting with the tileset which I was still editing today.

The map contains some unique features that might surprise some of you the first time that you get there. Like the rest of the Legend of Zelda games, this map is an adventure, with many possible ways to complete.

I'm sad to say that I am thinking about ending my Ngame "life" with this map... but it all depends on other things as well.

As always...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Quick race' Thumbnail of the map 'Mirror Mode' Thumbnail of the map 'Half-in-Half' Thumbnail of the map 'Quicky DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone traps' Thumbnail of the map 'Two Bridges'
Quick race Mirror Mode Half-in-Half Quicky DDA Drone traps Two Bridges


Pages: (0)


you were gonna quit?? I should've been here...

Haha! He's got a massive nose xD
You've always stuck with my Greek letter series and gave positive reviews. I'm glad you didn't quit, I like how your maps have developed now.
This one: Like the tiles. Objects were pretty sketchy, but worthy of a challenge; it really does fit the theme. Plus, Zelda is known as being one of the first non-linear games in gaming history, so this levels non-linear quality makes sense.
3.5/5 (4)


you guessed we wouldn't like your maps. Well, I love this one.

Love Zelda

Love your map. 4/5
Please make more maps.

Your bad at N?

you've done more episodes than me!

hey, thanks

i really liked the map too... there was nothing bad about it in my mind, thats why its my 100th and not another random number...

& guys, theres a lot of my maps that have no attention, a full list is on my profile...


This map sucks, 100th or not.

I think this map

tries to be a lot more than it could. Meaning there's too much stuff packed together. The tileset is pretty good though and the gameplay didn't feel all that clunked.

I give you a 5, because it's your 100th map and mostly because I've been a die-hard Zelda fan for all my 18 years.

PS: a week? My attention span would last only 30 minutes


Ngame. Nice map tho 4.5^
other than that, 4

Guys, guys, guys...

I am NOT leaving you all, I will still be here to check your maps at least 5 times a week... BUT I just won't make any new maps.




this is a very nice because i like the legend of zelda too but it would be sad to see you leave i like a lot of your maps.
plus I just 5'd it! plz stay!
You still say Ngame...


this got off the hot maps page without a public rating... thats SOO sad for a 100th map...

so im not going to post another map again... you guys are soo annoying =( =( =( =( =(
D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D=


map. 4

hehe, thanks people

thanks a lot =D

i remember my 100th map like it was my 100th map



Tileset was okay,

but object placement was a bit messy,especially the mines and gold. 2.5/5