Evacuated Office, cubicles

Thumbnail of the map 'Evacuated Office, cubicles'

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Author Xigomay
Tags author:xigomay hallways hard playable unrated
Created 2009-06-29
Last Modified 2009-06-29
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Through the lobby doors you enter the cubicles on the first floor,
search them all for the key to the second floor

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Central Mayhem Station' Thumbnail of the map 'Blind & Def' Thumbnail of the map 'Thorn Bush' Thumbnail of the map 'Rising Sun burn' Thumbnail of the map 'Evacuated Office, outside' Thumbnail of the map 'Evacuated Office, lobby'
Central Mayhem Station Blind & Def Thorn Bush Rising Sun burn Evacuated Office, outside Evacuated Office, lobby


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this is actually pretty tough, i like challenges. 3/5.


now you cant cheat it,
that if you don't pass completely through a one-way, you can still get back out of it, like I and apparently Arona_Daal did in our demos. You instead should just have 3 locked doors guarding the gate instead. Oh, and you can always resubmit the map.

i do

i did do all that,
i always do that, im not an idiot,
those one ways are the last things i put in,
all im syaing is that they are last in the code,
MAYBE you accidently hit a key and changed it right before you played it, all im saying is it could have been an accident and im pretty sure i made everything right before i submitted the map
we can only load the map you posted unless we go into editor mode and actually replace the one-ways ourselves. You need to play your maps before you post them, or actually, after a short look through your maps, put thought and work into them.


you accidentally load the map wrong,
the one platforms should be faceing eachother

um, yeah, so

I don't think you wanted me to be able to do this?
Demo Data


since theres no gold, pretty speedy though.
Demo Data