Top Floor

Thumbnail of the map 'Top Floor'

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Author Snip3_Th3_Shams
Tags author:snip3_th3_shams hard unrated
Created 2009-07-07
Last Modified 2009-07-07
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Challenge

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Picture Perfect' Thumbnail of the map 'Gun Run One' Thumbnail of the map 'Pistons' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold-Digger' Thumbnail of the map 'Pixel DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Inside the Fire(Dragon)'
Picture Perfect Gun Run One Pistons Gold-Digger Pixel DDA Inside the Fire(Dragon)


Pages: (0)

one word.


Only middle room

was hard


sort of. Not a lot, really.

I have no clue

to be honest.

You gave it 2/5

under average.

By the way, an "oxymoron" is a term, for something that counters itself, i.e. deafening silence or dry water.


Dude, elaborate on "dry gameplay"
it was oozing water every time you hit the tiles.

What do you mean?

I'm not being negative on you.

The launchpads just killed me a lot in this map. :P

Slow completion.

I hate launchpads now.
Demo Data
you have a lot to learn. It's a storyline. And 3.5 rounds to 4.