evil turret (real one)

Thumbnail of the map 'evil turret (real one)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author longsword
Tags action author:longsword fun gauss hard playable unrated
Created 2009-08-15
Last Modified 2009-08-15
Map Data

Description .........sorry the original was a mistake..........

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'black hole'
black hole


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disable ratings?


im sorry

I Agree with 29

And you could've just edited the data from your original post.

I can see why you disabled ratings, it's just a really bad map. :| sorry.

from what i see...

this is the exact same map. plus i'm sure you can get to the exit without opening the door next to it. Just don't submit maps twice... :/


it's just repetitive and boring... and the missing gold piece doesn't look too good either. 2.5.