Tick Tock Shock

Thumbnail of the map 'Tick Tock Shock'

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Author Seneschal
Tags action author:seneschal mines unrated
Created 2009-09-06
Last Modified 2009-12-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 12:51

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Tempest' Thumbnail of the map 'Lost!' Thumbnail of the map 'Mirrorqueen' Thumbnail of the map 'The Plough' Thumbnail of the map 'Some Riot' Thumbnail of the map 'Seventeen Years'
The Tempest Lost! Mirrorqueen The Plough Some Riot Seventeen Years


Pages: (0)


Oh, just letting you know, I played this map a ways back. I try not to spam superfluous comments on maps I don't play.

I liked it in theory, but in practice it was a bit long.

I honestly thought no one would notice. But yeah, those are my next three, in all probability.

"My psychic powers..."

Dammit man! I gotta keep track somehow. Don't tell.


Edited, hopefully it should be less messy now.

this looks really messy, but I found it fun
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