
Thumbnail of the map 'Nightwalker'

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Author nevershine
Tags author:nevershine dark fun nreality rated small
Created 2009-09-11
Last Modified 2010-02-25
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description funny nreality (!) map I made. Chose black as your ninja's color and you won't see him anymore.

have fun feeling your way trough the night.

please tell me whether I should do more of this.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'God put a smile upon your face' Thumbnail of the map 'Elvis' Thumbnail of the map 'Glacier Crack' Thumbnail of the map 'Iridium City' Thumbnail of the map 'Christian's Inferno' Thumbnail of the map 'Let's build something BIG'
God put a smile upon your face Elvis Glacier Crack Iridium City Christian's Inferno Let's build something BIG


Pages: (0)

The dark is cool.

I don't know why everyone's saying the ninja's invisible, you can see two points of white that are his heels.

3.5/5 up


5 rates now! mine's at 1 at the moment, more than usual... :P


Pretty damn fun.

working on the next dark map.

If you say so.

have my vote for 'make more of these.'

why should I force him to be black? Someone who wants to make a new experience would keep him black by himself.

bufar, thank you! You made my 300th total rating ;D
and it becomes an unchangeable rated map


If you add "8,_color,;" to the ObjectMod section, it forces the ninja to be black.


with a black ninja..
maybe if you put some dots in the background, like little stars, it would make him a tiny more visible, keeping the night style...

I don't have ICQ of Xfire, but I have a Skype account :
seek mreek04.
very useful for working on the same project, you can share (a part of) your screen... []

See ya soon.

Ha Ha!

yeah, this rules. If you try to look at the frictional smoke he makes for some reason as he slides around, it's really deceiving.


that's actually kinda cool.
make more :) except make it liek a buzzle like this xD
that woukld be fun IMO...
crappy demo

4/5 btw :P
Demo Data