
Thumbnail of the map 'Tense'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GRN
Tags author:grn cucumber gauss gold mines rated rockets
Created 2009-09-18
Last Modified 2009-09-18
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Just a map I had saved on my computer.

Tiles were made by -destiny, I just edited some bits here and there.


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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '*5' Thumbnail of the map 'Solnoide' Thumbnail of the map 'Suprises' Thumbnail of the map 'Mars' Thumbnail of the map 'Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Estranged'
*5 Solnoide Suprises Mars Fire Estranged


Pages: (0)

I saw this

I must have been in a rush and so left no comment.

It's pretty good, but like all the maps this tileset has produced (mine included), a little iffy. I like what you did to the bottom right, though.


fail demo
Demo Data
This is really fun. 4


love the tiles, and the gameplay was relatively good.

i'd love to collab when i get back from holidays in a week or so.

so if you wanted to start one, and send it to me on the forums i'll get to it in about a week.