
Thumbnail of the map 'Melons'

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Author Geej15
Tags author:geej15 melon melons set tile tileset unrated
Created 2009-10-03
Last Modified 2009-10-03
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description heheheheh....... Make a map of this. was gunna use this for my 50th but decided against it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Minemond' Thumbnail of the map 'Darth Yoda?' Thumbnail of the map 'YOUWILLNEVERBEATTHIS' Thumbnail of the map 'The Chimney that could.' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken?' Thumbnail of the map 'Join'
Minemond Darth Yoda? YOUWILLNEVERBEATTHIS The Chimney that could. Broken? Join


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you have to do tweaking of ur own



I'll use this,

I'm kinda stuck right now.

its possible...

what i would do is get creative... put a trap door right next to the exit door so you can jump into the circle tyhen on the way out (if the exit switch is in the circle) hit the exit door thru the trapdoor (which im sure u know is posible.)

Is it possible?

If you look at my 5 maps. Ill look at 5 of yours too.