Like Camenbert

Thumbnail of the map 'Like Camenbert'

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Author geti
Tags action author:geti hard jumps playable study unrated
Created 2009-11-11
Last Modified 2009-11-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Well, I'm listening to bloc party and was thinking about the last time i mapped whilst listening to them, so it coaxed me into doing another. There goes another 40 minutes of study time. Enjoy the hard as fuck jumps.
For Shortshift again.

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Glyphtastic urban.Repetitions Quadlimitatory Hypermatrixism. Covert Ammendum Losing Reception Mindhurt


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Demo Data
josh, i liked the fluidity.
and well, hopefully i can use this as a way to relax a little during study break and exams, so there might be a few more coming :]
awesome demos guys, glad you enjoyed it.
romaniac, you did the path i usually do, but with a slicker jump at the top :P


Good choice of music :D


Demo Data
but, then i played it.

it was very addicting to win and quite enjoyable.

bear with me at the end of the demo
Demo Data
Demo Data


Demo Data

Holy fuck