Drone Park

Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Park'

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Author Erik-Player
Tags action author:erik-player drone park retile unrated
Created 2009-11-23
Last Modified 2009-11-23
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Retile of lord_day's map. [] Thanks to flag for testing!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dilapidated: Wounded and running' Thumbnail of the map 'Through our Broken Providence' Thumbnail of the map 'Hero' Thumbnail of the map 'Annihilation Process' Thumbnail of the map 'Such a Gift' Thumbnail of the map 'Exhibit Due North'
Dilapidated: Wounded and running Through our Broken Providence Hero Annihilation Process Such a Gift Exhibit Due North


Pages: (0)

Demo Data


I also failed with triggering it one time.
Demo Data


I tried for AGD without triggering any of the seekers. I did not succeed.
Demo Data


i think this needs featuring

Here's [] my retile. Came out alright.


what'd you do with our collab? you can sub it if you want, whenever you finish. or swing it by me, if we're on irc at the same time.

oh, this!

well, my agd is long gone.

i definitely liked the branching out, though no one else did, apparently. bit beyond the pale.

Bad AGD.

I quite like this. It's... different.
Demo Data