Demonic Essense IV

Thumbnail of the map 'Demonic Essense IV'

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Author infernoXV8
Tags author:infernoxv8 evil hard mines rated tricky
Created 2009-11-27
Last Modified 2009-11-27
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Part 4 - Fighting off Demons
Mine Jumper

Have you ever seen a more evil map?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Quick map' Thumbnail of the map 'Confusion' Thumbnail of the map 'A simple Task' Thumbnail of the map 'A New Beginning' Thumbnail of the map 'Taking Over!' Thumbnail of the map 'Test of Stamina'
A Quick map Confusion A simple Task A New Beginning Taking Over! Test of Stamina


Pages: (0)


great map, lots of fun. Nice atmosphere overall too. 4/faved
Demo Data

Rated maps -5

but the gameplay is right and this is what counts. 5/5

faster agd

Demo Data

nice minejumper

I didn't think it was too hard, just the right difficulty. 5aved. AGD:
Demo Data

I remember you :3

This is awesome, minejumpers so often struggle due to a lack of thought when placing mines, however the placement of mines is perfect, the gold is also lurvley

Though the best part of this map is the flow, which is amazing. You've really progressed as an author since I last saw you :P
No need to remix this, It's already perfect.

wow thats hard

great mine jumper though loved it 5aved
ive been spending over 50 attempts, its driving me crazy. im not the best N player and i got right near the end on the last mine the first time and never got that far again. this demos pritty far
Demo Data


ffs the demo doesnt work


the last mine. i completed the map and right near the the last mine! ><
Demo Data