Satellite 2.0

Thumbnail of the map 'Satellite 2.0'

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Author Natai
Tags 2 author:natai image nreality satellite space unrated
Created 2009-12-20
Last Modified 2009-12-20
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You are aboard a satellite heading back to earth when suddenly the power goes out. You decide to investigate. You are ejected out of the satellite and must fix your power generator, located conveniently under the satellite.

First, though, you need your emergency toolbox, which was thrown out of the satellite and is now sitting on a meteor somewhere, probably being guarded by the same floorguard-aliens that wrecked your ship in the first place.

Be careful. The meteors are quite explosive, and the aliens are armed with badly-guided missiles. Your satellite's force field keeps you within range of the satellite, but that can also push you into a meteor!

Ummm... Good Luck!


Other maps by this author

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Tower Wars It's cramped in here! Industrialization Dual Core Golden River Flow Satellite


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with the 90% chance thing.

just letting you know

looks cool.

the gameplays a bit eh.

Has lots of room for improvement (thats a good thing)


but still slow.
Demo Data

Bad Demo

... but just so you know it's possible.
Demo Data


Ok, I'll admit its a little unoriginal, but... Cheesy?
and the gameplay is kinda cool. But the mine placement is...cheesy.
But the point is that you are in IMMEDIATE danger, and if you know what youre doing the first rocket is avoidable easily. The visibility is low, but You can still see the outlines of everything. I dont think the map is bad at all.



I hate this map.
The image is too dark to see anything.
When you come out from the beginning, there is a 90% chance you will die from the rockets.

The only good thing is probably how you did those one-ways.


Faved :)

Once again, this is cool


not bad. A white ninja instead? (spacesuit) Nah, yellow is fine :P


if anyone has long loading times, It's worth it, though!


You made it playable :)
*goes off to play*