lucky for you hez a bad shot

Thumbnail of the map 'lucky for you hez a bad shot'

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Author thereisaspoon
Tags action author:thereisaspoon spooncollab unrated zcollab
Created 2010-01-15
Last Modified 2010-01-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description map made from this [] map, ZThing changed it a bit and i like it a lot. which one do you like better?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'theif' Thumbnail of the map 'cosmos' Thumbnail of the map 'somehow nature always grows' Thumbnail of the map 'Lodges' Thumbnail of the map 'dogs' Thumbnail of the map 'lucky for you hes a bad shot'
theif cosmos somehow nature always grows Lodges dogs lucky for you hes a bad shot


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I beat meta on nreality.



this is great

I found it to be amazing

the forums are

confusing. But i only use it to msg people. and thats not to hard. but they changed the website around and i feel its alittle more confusing.


you want to do a collab?
If you do Msg me on the forums website
This []
