02-0 Subordinated Coordinate

Thumbnail of the map '02-0 Subordinated Coordinate'

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Author Creature
Tags action agd author:creature fun playable unrated x
Created 2010-01-30
Last Modified 2010-01-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Based on coordinate geometry. Find x. AGD it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-4 Speeding Turtle' Thumbnail of the map '01-0 Wihtotu Thuohgt' Thumbnail of the map '01-1 Friendly Harriers Inbound' Thumbnail of the map '01-2 Friendship Recon' Thumbnail of the map '01-3 Professional Heartline Cigar' Thumbnail of the map '01-4 Subterranean Animism'
00-4 Speeding Turtle 01-0 Wihtotu Thuohgt 01-1 Friendly Harriers Inbound 01-2 Friendship Recon 01-3 Professional Heartline Cigar 01-4 Subterranean Animism


Pages: (0)

this is a nice

map Im sorry for the 2 on the other map so have a 5 for this


Demo Data

Great map.

Nice theme, and gameplay. I liked the rocket placement too. 5aved.


Well, all we've been doing is talking about algebra, ain't that nice?
worst thing is I've got the ACT coming up so...


mr. AP Calculus!

Aww damn.

Does anyone here know algebra? Or at least, graphing? XD
in a perpendicular lines? because those look like an X to me.

Apparently so.

:D So what do you think of the map?
does it stay within linear bounds?